
My Life is a Musical: The Butterfly Circus

Hi!  This is a quick little update. This youtube video was recommended to me by my good friend, Haley.  She wrote a little somethin' about it.  GO CHECK IT OUT. Dean is begging you.  Now you gotta go.  If you don't, you don't got a heart. My Life is a Musical: The Butterfly Circus You checked it out, right?  Obviously, and you came back to check if there was anything else.  LOL Nope.  Just wanted to update you on a beautiful youtube video. *HEART EYES* QUESTION OF THE DAY: How did you like the video?  Because you checked it out.  Obviously.  Have a beautiful day.

Life Update: My Graduated Senior Summer

Oh wow, hey!  I didn't even see you there... and haven't for the past FIVE months... Control yourself, Sam.  *continues to glare at Sam* Anyways, so many things have happened since my last post... which was in late November... of 2016.. Now, I'm officially a high school graduate. See?!!  I told you I could do it!   It's crazy.  I honestly thought that I wouldn't graduate high school, b ut here I am, a graduated 17 year old girl, not ready for college, which is happening in two months.  High school  has been one crazy ride for me. The ups and and downs of high school have been interesting. The friends I've made and the adults that I've learned to look up to have made such an impact on my life. I absolutely love them all. High school has given me experiences that have shaped me into the woman I am today, and I am forever grateful for that. Even though high school wasn't perfect 24/7, I made lots of unforgettable memories with the peopl


Hi! Love this movie! Obviously, I am back to tell you that there is only one amazing actress, who is capable of what she does, with the elegance that she performs it with.  She literally is amazing, and I love her. Love this movie.  Julie Andrews, my favorite 80-year-old. BEAUTIFUL. She takes acting to a whole, entirely new level, her voice is absolutely beautiful, she is still so gorgeous, (she must age like a fine wine, she gets better with age), how sassy she can be and I could go on, and on, and ooonnn- *looks shocked*  Gee whiz, sorry Sherlock. But honestly, my favorite thing about her is her voice.   Especially in The Sound of Music.  Probably in my top 5, top 10 favorite movies of all time.   *SQUEALS AND SCREAMS AS I FANGIRL HARD*  *SINGS ALONG LOUDLY* Fun Fact: I thought she was dead because the internet said she was dead, but I FOUND OUT SHE WAS VERY MUCH ALIVE. Literally me at the internet. And her voice.  Her voice is

I love the Irish!

Oh, Hello there!  I didn't see you. Lol. XD So, recently, I went to a concert for an Irish Christian band called Rend Collective .  And now I am completely and utterly obsessed with them.  Now I'm only listening to their music daily.  Currently, my favorite album is Campfire 2: Simplicity.  I love it so much! Literally me right now. The amount of instruments that they use is seriously crazy.  And their accents are AMAZING.  I love their accents. When I heard their accents for the first time. I also love their passion for Jesus Christ.  The passion is absolutely inspiring.  Actually, while writing this blog, I was listening to their music. XD Here are some pictures from the concert. Also, here's some videos to showcase their singing and accents. XD XD XD They also did a cover of Oceans, by Hillsong.  And I have to say that, I like that version better than the original. I also have another Irish man who has sto

Sooooo... Something happened...

Hhheeeyyy! Love this movie.  So, I'm over halfway through the first semester of my senior year.  And oh, my gosh, so much has already happened. Will Smith is hilarious. So, being a senior, I realized that it's my last year to, well, to do anything.  So I decided that I needed to take risks.  I'm not sure if I've ever told you, but I have a love for singing.  I've been told that I can sing, but I've honestly never really believed that. Flynn Rider (AKA: Eugene) is perfection. So I auditioned for 2 honor choirs this year: Regional and County.  It was obvious that I was going to get into County Honor Choir since I got in last year, but Regional Honor Choir is seriously hard to get into.  I was so shocked that I got in (still am).  It's a serious competition and I thank God that I got in. But to get into Regional Honor Choir, you need to know your major and chromatic scales, your major and minor triads, listen to playbacks on the piano, si